Cooperation agreement between WtERT-Germany Gmbh and Global WtERT Council (GWC)
GWC promotes collaborative development of the decision support system
GWC promotes collaborative development of the decision support system
Werner P. Bauer, Director of ia GmbH – Knowledge Management and Engineering Services in Munich, is happy to announce the takeover of WtERT Germany GmbH from its former owner ATZ.
Come and see us at IFAT 2012 in hall B1, exhibition stand 333/432.
The ia GmbH was commissioned by the District Government of Lower Franconia with the technical orgnisation of the repatriation of illegal waste from the Czech Republic.
Famous experts are supporting the environmental knowledge networking
Mr. Kleppmann, President of CEWEP, received the survey on comparison between a waste-to-energy-plant with a landfill according to the method of Total Costs of Ownership (TCO).
With the method of TCO the comparison of incineration of waste and landfilling is put on a higher stage by ia GmbH.
The study assigned by the State Ministry of Agriculture and Forests of Bavaria has been completed by the partners of the project.
The Universiadad De La Salle, the Universidad Empresarial maintained by the GTZ for years and the ia Ltda provide a new training course in Colombia.
The team of ia Ltda. (formerly B.A.U.M. Tracom Ltda) during the on-site visit of the composting plant.