Waste Conditioning Kirchstockach
Reference Project:
Bio-Waste Conditioning, Fermentation Plant Kirchstockach, administrative district Munich
High failure rates of the existing conditioning system and high waste-water concentrations lead to a detailed examination of the systems engineering.
At the fermentation plant Kirchstockach the opera-tions for the rectification of deficiencies and proc-ess optimisations were completed in 2004. Now process results of 2005 show the success of the performed actions.
In the asset area of preparations the existing rake discharge system was removed and the use of the new discharge reservoir with a drainage coil con-veyor system minimises deadlock times and rises preparations throughput. With the new set-up of the light material presses the process procedure was optimised, too.
The installation of the new process water reservoir was conditional on the non-uniform hydraulic load of the wastewater purification, which results from the operation of the facility.
With the higher buffer capacity, realised by the new process water reservoir, a uniform hydraulic load of the purification system and an optimised process control was implemented.
With the optimised performance of the wastewater purification wastewater thresholds are guaranteed now and it is possible to realise the increased throughput of the preparation in the complete sys-tem of the fermentation plant Kirchstockach.
Durchsatzsteigerung der VergĂ€rungsanlage Kirchstockach durch Umbau und Erweiterung der Anlagenbereiche Aufbereitung und Prozesswasserreinigung; MatthĂ€us Kirschenhofer (LRA MĂŒnchen), Thomas Kroner (ia GmbH), Ulrich Niefnecker (M. Ganser GmbH & Co. Entsorgungsbetriebe KG; MĂŒll und Abfall, 04/2006
Administrative District Office Munich (Landratsamt MĂŒnchen)
2002 to 2005