Wertstoffhof 2020 – The Study
From the foreword by Ulrike Scharf MdL, Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection:
“…the Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) assumes in a study, that humanity needs in 2050 about 2.7 as much resources as now – 180 billion tons instead of 67 billion tons – if the consumption of resources of all countries will adjust to the standards of the OECD countries. Therewith associated is an increase of the greenhouse gas emissions of 30 to 78 billion tons. The reduction and efficiency of resource use will so be one of the most important eco-political fields of action in future.
An important input to resource conservation in Bavaria accomplished the valuable recovery of municipal waste. Already in 1994 recognised the Bavarian State Ministry of State Development and Environmental Matters the relevance of comprehensive and resident-friendly collection of recyclable resources. The competition “Der vorbildliche Wertstoffhof” (“The ideal recycling centre”) sets an important milestone to achieve sustainable recycling management.
20 years later, 96 cities, rural districts and municipalities participated in a new study of the ia GmbH and of the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT. It was the aim to identify future challenges in collection of recyclable material and to acquire exemplary solution approaches for municipal collecting points.
The present brochure is more than a hymn of “the recycling centre”; it is a guidance for municipalities, scheduler and for everyone involved in the disposal chain. This brochure offers specific clues by what organisational and constructional measures municipal collecting points can prepare for the future.”
Many thanks go at this point to the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection to accept the sponsorship of this study and to the Bavarian State Office for Environment especially to the Department Waste Management for the valuable professional stimulations and suggestions.
Special thanks also go to the below-mentioned companies and organisations. Only because of the comprehensive technical and financial cooperation it became possible to make these comprehensive inquiries and to produce this brochure in the present form.